Thursday, April 10, 2008
I added the Ning badge to my blog here and I also added the Ning badge to my Myspace. I really like Ning but I always love all that stuff. I have a Myspace, Facebook, Friendster, Okaycupid (has really fun user made quizes), Fubar (only online bar lol), and many more but I don't check them frequently. The world is filled with online social networks and it's just up to you to find every one your intrested in. I set up my Ning account, added a background, added a photo, requested friends, joined the group anokaberry, and joined the college 2.0 group. Lots of fun. There is so much out there it seemes like you could look for days and still not see all of it.
posted by karebear at 3:53 PM |