Saturday, April 5, 2008
Well I have to say that I think MMOPRGs are kinda creepy. I've played World of Warcraft or WOW as it's called and I enjoy the gaming but I think a lot of people get so involved that they lose a little reality. I think the resources that second life has are great but when it comes to role playing games some people don't know when to say when. I've known people who get so addicted to playing these games that they now call themselves a recovering WOW addict but I guess everyone has their things whether it's eating,drinking, or even reading a little to much we all have our weaknesses. There is a balance to everything and I think that's what we need to think of when we consider gaming or other things for the library. I think that having some simple games on our kids library page would be a good idea or making hour library website more like a Myspace or Facebook where people could set up there accounts with a picture and blogs or games applications that they like. But I also understand how frustrating it can be to have someone come up to you and want to do research and all the computers are filled with people gaming. Like I said it's a balance.
posted by karebear at 9:08 AM |