I set up a MSN calendar but I don't understand why you would use a MSN calendar when there are other programs that have a calendar and a million other tools that you can use together. I made a tada list it seemed like it could be usefull but not as much fun as all those little pieces of paper I always have everywhere.
http://karebearsviewonastick.tadalist.com/lists/show/937717 I also made the Igoogle start page and would consider using it at home as my home page but honestly sometimes I don't want to log on to my computer and automatically see everything I'm intrested in because then I will spend hours on the internet when really I was just looking up a phone number or a recipe which should only take me five minutes. I do see how it can be really usefull. As far as the file converters I have used some before but I honestly don't remember which ones and all I have to say about those is when you need them you need them and they are great. I think my favorite thing I made was an account with stikkit. They seemed to have some pretty neat resources.