Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I can't believe I'm finaly finished!!!!!!!! I loved the program and wish more people participated in Anoka County. If it were up to me it would have been manditory. For me this program was more about having time to think about the future of the library rather then learning about new things but I did learn a few more things and I took the time to use some things that I knew were out there but never tried using. I'm really excited about all of the things it sparked people to do especially one of our childrens librarians started a mock Newberry award called Anokaberry and I think it is amazingly wonderfull!!!!!!!!!! I've watched all of us who participated grow, learn, and bond over these 23 things and I loved it.
posted by karebear at 7:32 PM |


At April 16, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Blogger 23 Things said........
Congratulations on finishing all 23 things--with plenty of time to spare. Glad you enjoyed it so much. Encourage your Anoka colleagues to participate in a future round of 23 things--you would be a great coach or encourager.